To participate in Club Sponsored activites and trials, you must be a member of the club. Memberships are annual, and run from January 1 to December 31st each year.
There are two types of memberships availble:
Individual Memberships
When you are the only person in your household wanting to work and play with your JRT's - this is for you.
Family Memberships
For one or more individulas in the household who want to participate in JRT activites. This is the membership to use for couples or families that have younger members who want to participate in our Youth Programs
There are also two ways to join our club:
Indvidual Membership
Family Membrership
Complete the applicaton, write check, and mail it to the club.
Here for Application
Indvidual Membership
$20 membership + $2 technology fee
Family Membershp:
$25 membershp + 2 technology fee
Here to Complete everything on-line.